Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 2: The First Oath

Ever so slightly behind in my quest to keep up with the weekly work assigned in the DPttWOY booklet, but that's ok.

The First Oath is something that I wrote out, but never actually performed in all my attempts at working through the DP. Maybe there's a message there. I don't know. At any rate, below is the text of the oath I'll be reciting. I'll utilize the simple ritual included in the DPttWOY booklet for taking the first oath, and journal on that once it's done, which should be Friday or Sunday this week.

Some of this is taken from the oath text in the booklet, some is taken from the "The First Oath" article written by Ian Corrigan available on the ADF website, and some is my own words.

My oath text:

I, Dragonfaerie, Wiccan, ADF Dedicant, and Priestess of Brigid, do declare before the world and the Otherworld that I will be a keeper of the Old Ways. I will seek to understand my own spirit, the ways of the world and the ways of the Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits. 

With this holy oath, I set my foot upon the path of learning Druidry, and I swear these things:

That I will seek virtue in my life and deeds. That I will seek to live well and to do right in wisdom, honor, integrity, and diligence. That I will strive always to keep piety, to observe proper rites and works and seek to perfect my personal practice.

That I will do right by my chosen kin, my friends and community. That I will make my Paganism a part of each day, and to seek to blend all parts of my journey into one balanced, fulfilling path.

That I will work to learn all I can about the Old Ways, by studying the remnants of the past and seeking the opinions of learned people, so that my work may be strengthened. That I will listen to my intuition, to the words of the Gods, and not be afraid of the path simply because it is overgrown or untrodden at times.

Before the Gods and Spirits, and before these witnesses, these things I swear. Biodh se!

1 comment:

  1. Hope this went well for you! I'd love to hear about your results.


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